Figure 1. Countries visited by C4 EcoSolutions in 2018.
Figure 2. Bar graph representing the total number of projects developed (blue) and total number of countries visited (grey) by C4 EcoSolutions in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
C4 also improved its project portfolio in 2018 (Figure 3). We were involved in the development of 8 National Adaptation Plan (NAP) proposals (up from zero from the years before) and 19 Green Climate Fund (GCF) projects, the latter being an annual record high for the company. Indeed, our work on GCF projects occupied ~35% of our company portfolio (in terms of number of projects) for 2018.
Figure 3. Breakdown of the different types of projects developed by C4 EcoSolutions in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Different segments represent: i) Green Climate Fund (GCF) projects; ii) GCF National Adaptation Plan (NAP) proposals; iii) Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Adaptation Fund (AF) Project Documents (PDs); iv) GEF Project Identification Forms (PIFs); v) Chief Technical Advisory (CTA) work; and vi) Other work – including research projects, Mid-term Reviews (MTRs) and the development of a UN Environment-GCF Strategy.
Looking forward, the CEO of C4, Anthony Mills, sees 2019 as an important year for the company for two main reasons. Firstly, he notes that: “We were fortunate to receive more than 400 applications last year. After rigorous screening, we offered positions to five new staff. We are looking forward to working with and learning from these highly accomplished new team members.”
Secondly, he mentions that: “The latest IPCC report highlights the extreme danger that the world faces in terms of climate change damage to human societies and ecosystems. This danger focusses the mind intensely. C4 arguably has more experience in climate change development work than any other company globally; this places us right at the coal-face in terms of assisting the international community with managing the danger. It’s an enormous responsibility. I feel it. Our staff feel it. Our clients feel it. We all need to step up to bat. Let the intense fast bowling begin. We will do our utmost to defend the world’s wickets”.
In this new year, we at C4 are committing ourselves to producing impeccable work so that we can continue to have a significant impact on local communities around the world.